Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Just. Fucking. Really?

I titled this post that because I have found myself uttering that phrase way too much here lately. Whether that's because of others' douchey behavior or just my reaction to stuff, it has crept out several times. Several, several times.

Jealousy is an ugly emotion. And a very real one. Its one I have to learn to process better, rather than just acknowledging when I'm experiencing it and then being like "screw this stupid emotion I'm not dealing with it" and it making me angry.

I am so tired of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Y'all know we're wanting to move because there is ZERO job opportunity here. None. So... we're applying for jobs in other parts of the country. Makes sense, right? Right. Only... in order to get to the interviews for those jobs, we need to have what? Say it with me... MONEY. Where does money come from? A job. What are there none of here? Fucking jobs. See the dilemma?

Nothing has changed. No jobs, no money, same pattern, same shit, different day, two years later.

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